Dec 9, 2022
The GBTA Foundation, the charitable arm and outgrowth of GBTA’s overall mission, was relaunched by the association in July 2022 to create a positive impact and a better future for people and the planet. As GBTA marks and celebrates the 100th episode of its “Business of Travel” podcast, GBTA CEO Suzanne Neufang sits down with Delphine Millot, Senior Vice President, Sustainability, who heads up the GBTA Foundation and brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to the Foundation’s work.
The discussion centers around how the Foundation came to be, why is it important, the Foundation’s priorities and significance of its four pillars – sustainability, WINiT, Ladders and DE&I, and how business travel professionals and companies can get involved in the Foundation’s work and give back to invest in the future of our industry and the professionals who make it what it is. For more information, visit