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The Business of Travel

Welcome to GBTA's official podcast covering all things business travel!

May 26, 2023

Con il contributo di Stefano Ferri, giornalista, scrittore, consulente di comunicazione e attivista dei diritti civili, in questo podcast GBTA parliamo di Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. A che punto sono le politiche di DEI? Come le aziende stanno progredendo in tal senso? Cosa succede nella catena del valore del Business Travel? Facciamo il punto nel Podcast.  


With the contribution of Stefano Ferri, journalist, writer, communication consultant and civil rights activist, in this GBTA podcast we talk about Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. At what stage are the DEI policies? How are companies progressing in this regard? What is happening in the Business Travel value chain? Let's share the latest updates in the Podcast. 



Music track is Space Jazz by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License